It’s also strongly focused on due diligence in business and a high level of integrity in business. Just like you have good and bad lawyers, the same thing is the case with numerologists. Meaning: It represents a person who gets emotional by discount at 20 % in Wal-Mart. However, the compound number of 34/7 is less fortunate and powerful. People who are represented by the number 1 hates authorities, and they often get in conflict with authorities because they are different and they have a rebellious behavior. This number is linked to healthy and good friendships when it comes to love. However, they have a lot of frustrations within. Each number has different merits, so it is difficult to say a numeral is good or bad, although destiny number is prime numeral and master numbers 11, 22 and 33 are more powerful than single digit. Meaning: Chaldean Numerology. The ones are 48/3 and 88/7. The compound number of 14/5 is a number that is frequently seen among self-made billionaires. You can also read the destiny of a third party; your friend, wife/ husband, family member, celebrity, etc. Chaldean Numerology is also based on the fact that everything is destiny, and that we all have a destiny and that our destiny is strictly unavoidable. According to the topic, numerology 33 will be picked up and the phenomenon related to this number will be explained briefly. If it comes out in connection with future events one should carefully consider the path one is treading. The root energy of number 33 stems from spiritual significance. If for some reason you have now, after the 33 rd year of life all problems will disappear and you will live life like a kind. Meaning: Nearly all people who are represented by the number 9 have had a tough childhood. For example, if they break their hand, they ignore their pain, and they just keep on doing what they used to do. Our legal name together with our birth date dictates our human self, which is like a vessel. Unlike people who are represented by the “feminine winner mentality” (number 1) who like to outsource, people who are represented by the number 3 want to do everything themselves. Chaldean Numerology is based on the principles, that the Universe is built by vibrations.. The symbolism of this number is suffering and anxiety of mind. It’s also called “the star of the magi”. It’s a number of heavy autism, OCD, ADHD, Asperger’s and other similar mental disorders. The Number 33 in your Numerology chart For the Master Number 33 to appear in your personal Numerology, it must be related to one of your core numbers. Every frequency attracts its equal. Meaning: Numerology number 33/6. It’s moderately fortunate. It’s a number of business, motion, and relations. The compound number of 18/9 is a number of working hard and getting things done. If perfectly balanced, it can be extremely powerful. number 33 This number has no individual meaning of its own, but carries the same vibration as the 24, except that; the magic of love, the extent of originality and creativity, and the promise of eventual financial success are deepened and increased. This number has a very powerful potency of its own. If our highest self dictates one life direction for us, but our human self dictates a strictly opposite life direction, then we will feel that we are out of harmony with who we really are. However, just like people who are represented by the number 2 is also afraid to be weak. It expresses that a person who is represented by the compound number of 17/8 will rise superior in spirit to the trials and difficulties of life or his/ her career. Chaldean tablets: It’s also called “the judgment”. The compound number of 23/5 is extremely fortunate. If you use our numerology software tools, you can calculate a retrospective view over your own life. It’s a fortunate number if it works out in relation to future events if it’s not associated with the single numbers four and 8. People who are represented by the compound number of 18/9 are strictly focused on justice. At certain positions of numerology charts, 33 is considered to be a master number. This number has a distinct potency of its own. People who are represented by the number 1 like to delegate work, and they like to make other people do their job. The number 33 is considered to be a sacred number. However, if the compound number of 19/1 is unbalanced, then one gets fake hope that results in major disappointments and even depression. It’s peculiarly associated with good talkers, often with eloquence, gifts of music and art and a dramatic personality combined with a certain voluptuous temperament and a strong personal magnetism. It is given to those as karmic reward. In numerology, double-digit numbers like 33 are rarely used. It is the number of goddess of Wealth. This number is symbolized by the picture of “the Universe”, and it is also called “the Crown of the Magi”. They have a high level of creativity, but they really hate to lose. Represented by planet Venus. The compound number of 38/2 is very unfortunate. It means victory after a long initiation and tests of determination. You will be always surrounded with beautiful women in your life. It’s also called “the shattered citadel”. Chaldean numerology, also sometimes called Chaldean Gematria, is a system of numerology that ascribes numeric values to letters in order to discern a numerological reading. This interaction is fine from parent to child, but problematic if the child is always teaching and the parent learning. Meaning: It is not a fortunate number from a worldly or material standpoint. Chaldean tablets: This creates stress and low energy and mistrust in oneself. Each letter in numerology Chaldean is given an alternate numerical incentive somewhere in the range of 1 and 8. How Chaldean numerology works? Meaning: It’s also the number of melancholia if it’s unbalanced. They are also very practical in their approach to life in general. It’s a symbol of materialism striving to destroy the spiritual side of nature. The compound number of 50/5 is a number of communication, good social skills, and the ability to get along with everyone. The compound number of 17/8 is a number of having a very strong character and that one is always being remembered by others. Meaning: Eventually, the enemies will stab one in the back – metaphorically speaking (hopefully). Chaldean tablets: People who are represented by the compound number of 43/7 often make the impression on people that they are “pain in the ass”. Therefore they are very frank and they speak their mind without a filter. Number 34 - Well regarded and generous, as well as wise and succinct. It’s also a number of a very cold and cynical personality. Meaning: It’s very similar to the compound number of 14/5. This happens in the way that one does everything according to the book, and other people mess up, and one becomes the victim to other people’s mistakes and incompetence. Meaning: The numerology number 33 is a number of family and harmony, likely to be in the forefront of creative innovation in the home. One is afraid that the danger is around every corner. It’s even worse than the compound number of 31/4. However, the compound number of 42/6 is more focused on romantic love and passion. Number 66 is one of the special numbers in numerology. This is an ominous number to occultists. The numbers that work for Chaldean numerology does not go from 1 to 9 as in the Pythagorean and Kabbalah numerology, but it follows from 1 till 8. Number 37. They are good at thinking outside the box, and they are natural-born engineers, scientists, and inventors of all kinds. What people call you is just something fluffy that would be defined as not your real name. This number has a difficult symbolism to translate. Meaning: With the compound number of 14/5, one is a natural-born investor and stockbroker. This is a number of thoughtful deduction, retrospection, and mental superiority over one’s fellows, but as it seems to belong completely to the mental plane, the persons it represents, are likely to put all material things on one side — not because they have to, but because they wish to do so. Meaning: It has a symbol of a clenched hand and a lion muzzled. It’s furthermore a number of aesthetics and hedonism. The training takes its start from the very basic, where you can start without any prerequisite. The compound number of 37/1 stands for a highly intellectual mind, the potential to achieve major international business and getting wealthy. Therefore it’s mentioned in the ancient Chaldean tablets that they “rise superior in spirit to the difficulties of life”. People who are represented by the compound number of 24/6 have a great deal of charm and charisma and they are very likable. It’s also a number of corporate businesses and strong abilities to get wealthy. Meaning: Chaldean tablets: Considered a sacred number in Chaldean numerology, people with number 9 birthdays and names have a type of power that is dramatically compared to God himself. One’s name shall be known for good or evil according to one’s desires. Meaning: This means you may have a 33 as your Life Path, which is very rare, or your Expression number, Personality number, … Your legal name is written down, and when you go to the doctor and they call on you, the name you by your legal name and not by your nickname. Which numerology number is good for name? Furthermore, people who are represented by the compound number of 28/1 often end up in court for this behavior. Chaldean tablets: To know which numerologist is good for you, then you need to find someone who provides a warranty for their name change. Therefore people who are represented by the number 9 are meant to be the enforcers of Karma and justice. Meaning: This is the case because of 2+9=11/2. The compound number of 37/1 also creates a high level of popularity among people. Number 36. They speak their mind without a filter. The compound number of 37/1 is also known as the “royal star of the bull” – and thereby it’s a very fortunate counterpart to the compound number of 23/5 which is known as the “royal star of the lion”. The compound number of 46/1 is a number that means that one metaphorically speaking wears a backpack full of various talents. The number 2 personifies these two personality traits: compatibility and adaptive attitude towards life. It is also indicated as “the sacrifice” or “the victim” and generally it foreshadows one being sacrificed for the plans and intrigues of others. If not, the compound number of 23/5 means that one is hard to defeat. Therefore one has a strong winner mentality in order to gain success so that one can do whatever is desired. This is a good number and is symbolized as “the Scepter.” It is a promise of authority, power, and command. 33 is made up of 3 and 3. People who are represented by the number 10/1 also appear arrogant to some people. Name No. People who are represented by the compound number of 17/8 often have a love/ hate relationship to the spotlight. Meaning: It is a number of honour, of faith and self-confidence, of rise and fall; one’s name … It’s a number of the desire of wanting to change the world and to make the world a better place for all people. What is Soul Urge Number and how to calculate. This number is called “the Royal Star of the Lion.” It is a promise of success, help from superiors and protection from those in high places. The compound number of 24/6 is a number of conservative values. Number 34. Our grandmaster Chaldean Numerologist, August Darius Danielsson has multiple times predicted the stock market, political elections, and the future of celebrities. Meaning: Meaning: Meaning: People who are represented by the compound number of 16/7 have lost a lot of loved ones in their lives, and people who are represented by the compound number of 16/7 will live long so they will outlive all their loved ones and thereby they will experience even more fatalities in their near relations. Represented by planet Saturn. Is forthcoming about sharing their experience, expertise, and even gains. If these two numbers are put together in a numeroscope, it’s going to be very powerful. This number is full of contradictions. It’s also a number of lack of social skills and the feeling of loneliness. The compound number of 45/9 has similarities with the compound number of 27/9. The hardest working number in numerology is the number 46 (and 36). In this system of Numerology, only the numbers 1 to 8 are used for calculations and giving predictions. It’s a number seen among many corporate CEOs and major corporations. It’s a number of many dramatic ups and downs in life. In some of the ancient writings, it’s said: “He who understands the number 13/4 will be given power and dominion”. They are excellent at being in the spotlight, but they are afraid of messing up as they know that if they do so, people will never forget. However, the compound number of 19/1 is seen among many very beautiful people. The symbol of death. Meaning: It can be all-powerful, but it is just as often indifferent according to the will or desire of the person. Therefore if it’s unbalanced, one’s life might feel like walking through a tunnel of a constant learning process. Same meaning as number 27. People who are represented by the compound number of 31/4 sometimes have genius tendencies, but this often comes with the expense of social problems and strange behavior. The number 7 stands for insight, seeking deeper meaning in everything, and therefore people who are represented by the number 7 have many profound thoughts within their mind. However, the compound number of 33/6 is more focused on materialism and business. Therefore many CEOs are represented by the number 8. This is a number denoting strength gained through experience, and benefits obtained through observation of people and things. The numbers represent the four stages of life. It is a number of good and fortunate friendships in love, and combinations connected with the opposite sex. Normally, the first and second digit are added to get a single-digit number. If this number comes out in calculations of future events, the person should be warned to act with caution and prudence. The number 51 called the royal star of the man in numerology. The number 7 is the shadow number of the number 2. If there wasn’t destiny, then it would be impossible to make these predictions. In comparison with the compound numbers of 14/5, 23/5, 32/5, and 41/5, the compound number of 50/5 is much more spontaneous. It means that one is very naïve and keep trusting bad people who will rip one-off. People who are represented by the compound number of 28/1 are unreliable and they have no problem breaking promises. The number 3 is plus and the number 6 is minus. Chaldean tablets: The number 4 stands for logic and reason and the number 7 stands for faith and belief. Below is the Chaldean Numerology chart: Chaldean Numerology Number Values. If these rules are met, the effect of the number is as above mentioned. It’s a number of never giving up. At the same time, it threatens enemies, dangers, and the likelihood of assassination. However, our destiny is dictated by the vibrations (the numbers) of our full birth date and our legal name. It creates situations in people’s lives in which they suffer deeply from a bad economy, and then eventually the individual will decide on getting wealthy so he/ she shall never go hungry again. It offers a different perspective than other types of numerology. For obtaining money, gifts and favors from others, it’s a fortunate number. References at the bottom of the page. Chaldean Number Vibrations. Meaning: Read more about the destiny number here: Life path number. The most feminine number in the 1 series and the splendid number which belongs to Royal Star of the Bull. Though 9 has no letters ascribed to it, there’s still a possibility that a person could have a … People who are represented by the compound number of 30/3 are much in their head, and therefore they prefer a small group of friends rather than a vast army of acquaintances. Therefore the number 9 is the shadow number of number 0. Chaldean tablets: On the contrary, people who are represented by the number 6 are very charming, and they appear trustworthy. Numerology number 34/7 The root energy of number 33 stems from spiritual significance. This is a number of occult significance, of magic and mystery, but as a rule, it does not represent the higher side of occultism, it’s meaning being that the person represented by it will use every art of magic they can to carry out their purpose. Chaldean Numerology, Name Number, Compound Name Numbers, Double Digit Name Numbers, Royal Stars, Life Path and master #'s. The Chaldean system uses this 1-8 number system on the name that the individual is currently using because that is the energy that would currently be projected. The number 0 is the number of nothing and the number 9 is the number of everything. Meaning: One might think that we do have free will to make our own choices in life. People who are represented by the number 1 are also very creative and very perfectionist. This means that the number 3 is about doing and the number 6 is about receiving. And Number 6 is ruled by Venus. Meaning: The compound number of 33/6 has many similarities with the compound number of 24/6. The compound number of 27/9 is a number of integrity, honesty and the attitude that a deal is a deal and a deal must always be kept. Then, each letter is assigned to a number one to eight, based on the Chaldean numerology chart. This is the case because the compound number of 47/2 is made from the numbers 4 and 7 which are each other’s opposites. This can be good and bad. Meaning: According to the ancient principles of Chaldean Numerology, the vibrations of the numbers are dictated in ancient clay tablets that are at least 2,500 years old. People who are represented by the number 7 are good at understanding people’s intentions behind their actions and they have a very developed gut feeling. Therefore, your entire life is ruled by Jupiter in 3 and by Venus in 6. This number indicates uncertainties, treachery, and deception of others; it foreshadows trials, tribulation, and unexpected dangers, unreliable friends, and grief and deception caused by members of the opposite sex. People who are represented by the compound number of 36/9 are very frank and honest. If it appears as a compound number relating to the future, it’s a warning sign that one should be very careful. Whether it is Chaldean numerology, Kabbalah numerology, or Pythagorean numerology, all sects still see great power in the number 33. 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