After three minutes, you'll hear a timer go off, that means that you need to be done doing and noticing. His professional development program is called “Connecting with Kids: Ideas to Engage Students and Build Relationships." Lesson Objective: Students act as geologists through various first-hand experiences. The Hook should be compelling enough to encourage students to set aside thinking about other things to focus on the lecture. How would you describe the teacher's role and the students' role during the activity? What do you think would happen over a thousand years if these objects were in the ocean? Try using playing cards or dice to generate numbers. Students aren’t going to learn much unless they are curious to know (or it fixes a problem) and this curiosity only surfaces if there is a connection to their life and experiences. Are you ready? Check it out! Sound good? 1) Literary Quotes. Hillary: Was linked to the terminology of a geologic timeline, and literally, the purpose was to take units of time that they are familiar with, Student: "Milliseconds, seconds, minutes, decades". To see a poll in action, watch Using Technology to Boost Confidence. Our writing experts provided many useful examples of how to develop a quality powerful hook, after checking such tips students … There are so many ways to do this: ask the whole class, encourage small group discussions, write it on the board and ask students to do a quick write, or try using a poll. ", "Here's how it's gonna work. "OK, what should it sound like during the to do and noticing?". Move to the next table!". Plants, Soil, and Nutrients - In this hands-on activity, students will conduct an experiment that will help them understand the functions of plants. this is really great just wondering how much prep and planning time goes into a lesson like this and hen how does the follow up or the next few lesson look like. If YOU want to "hook" students and "draw them in" to the lesson, you're going to have to use that focus time to your best advantage! hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(3377481, 'b02b9ed5-cf8e-4571-88df-295257158450', {}); Mr. Dennis Fowler is a high school social studies teacher at Lewis Mills High School in Burlington, CT, youth soccer and basketball coach, and motivational speaker. It gives me a sense of how much each class remembers, and, if necessary, this will also help me adapt the beginning of my unit. After several minutes of individual work, we come together as a class to discuss and share responses. Here we go!". Straight to the bottom, right? Teachers creating readers Teachers create readers in the class by teaching students how to read, by being a reading role model and by creating a classroom culture where … Phase 2: Watch the video as a class. Many teachers I work with call it the “Initiation,” “Bell Ringer,” or “O-YO” (Own Your Own). Active Participation can facilitate pupil driven learning and give students a stake in the process. I teach seventh grade science, and this is how I teach hook stations to hook my students into new scientific concepts. I know several math teachers that use a "Problem of the Day" as a Do Now to activate their students' thinking. Think of a rocket launch analogy – in order to reach the moon, an effective and impressive takeoff is critical. So what, specifically, is a Do Now? These activities are also an easy, informal approach to formative assessments. Rock stars, push in your stools. Jacques Weedon These activities will help students retain new word meanings. Involve participants/students in an activity that helps them transition positively into the learning environment rather than using these precious moments to focus solely on taking attendance, collecting homework, or other administrative duties. A hook or activating strategy is intended to engage students and help them access and apply prior knowledge to the current concept, lesson or unit of study. As I walked through his door, he had turned his classroom into a gigantic cell! So, student 1 gets up and picks any of the pieces of dialogue/process on the wall – they read it and must remember it. As teachers, therefore, we are presented with a huge challenge, which is how to encourage and enable our students to engage … Have questions about subscribing? Listening to the various discussions, I can gather information about what students know, and which students may have had trouble with the assignment. This can lead to … Boosting Engagement, Rigor, and Connection Online, Part 2. They're not necessarily reading it from a book. Your hook could determine how enthused or excited your class may get about the new material. Find a Hook! At first that surprised me – like, fell-off-my-chair surprised me – but the more I think about it, the more I get it: good teachers deeply want to engage their students – especially teenagers. Starting with an exciting event is a strategy creators use to engage readers and hook them into the story before they give up and turn off the movie or put the book down. And, at that point, you're switching into answering your questions. The Picasso Hook Could your students create visuals to depict an event or concept? "You have two options once you get to a station. Have students create skits to teach a concept. A classroom "bestseller" list or book recommendations by students themselves are good places to begin. Give instructions then use a strong pair of students to demonstrate how it works to the whole class). “Does anyone know what this is a picture of … sometimes its called the 'car of the century'?” I ask the kids. A HUGE Common Core Standard - compare rates of change across linear functions represented in different ways. I collect and quickly read them. When creating my daily Do Now, I think about the most engaging way to spark interest in my kids with the lesson, so they can be immediately connected to the topic. One way which is sure to engage children is through the use of video, in particular TV and film. Category: Math Hooks . They will “turn and talk” to each other as I circle the class and listen to student’s explanations. Sometimes, like in the examples above, you can simply check in with your students on their progress towards your learning targets. #1. Engage students from the outset of your lesson with an introductory hook. Counter clockwise. Activities do not have to restricted to the bounds of your imagination. Strategies to engage students as readers. Don’t be afraid to stop the video to point out something important if you think it will be useful to the students. Usually, at least one of my students will be able to help me identify and introduce the Model T to the class. Three minutes to write and to draw. Students will learn about hooks that writer's use to engage the reader, grab their attention, lead them into a story and then apply what they have learned by using an attention grabbing hook in Don’t be afraid to stop the video to point out something important if you think it will be useful to the students. The Hook: 4 Ways to Dynamically Engage Your Students from Day One, Mr. Dennis Fowler is a high school social studies teacher at Lewis Mills High School in Burlington, CT, youth soccer and basketball coach, and motivational speaker. Use extra-large or very small pieces of paper for student work. Even worse, the “difficult” students become behavior problems and wreak havoc on the classroom environment. The power of a Sizzling Start. Ta-da! Encouraging hot-seating, conscience corridors, debates and improvisation engages children can increase their understanding of a text and their ability to … Strategies to engage students as readers. Other times, it’s a table of historical data with questions, or a short YouTube video connected to the daily lesson. Try doing anything out of the ordinary, and see what happens! Using the technology available to me is a huge advantage in making this a daily ritual. There are variations of whole-group response strategies, however, that teachers can use to accommodate a range of individual student needs. Great idea! The next slide will give the exact word and definition: This nugget of previous information is a hook and preview for my students on this next unit lesson. Often, my goal is to activate students and have them recall any previous knowledge about the topic I'm about to teach. Teachers make all the decisions about learning for students a lot of the time. May 20, 2016 5:29am, Raji Menon Great! One “go” sign could be equivalent to a quarter note, and one “stop” sign could be equivalent to a quarter rest. The Do Now format will engage your students from the beginning of class, setting a positive learning tone for the day, minimizing behavioral problems, and cognitively challenging your students to critically think and perform. "The study of life. They collect/include any item that includes an aspect of American government (political event, election, school meeting, current event, etc.) Teaching Channel is a thriving online community where teachers can watch, share, and learn diverse techniques to help every student grow. Sep 27, 2014 10:14am, David Fronczak As I walked to the copy room during my typical morning routine, I saw an eighth-grade science teacher taping the outside of his door with a huge piece of clear plastic sheathing. So, three minutes to do, and to notice. So, what types of opening lines can you use as a good hook for an essay? Essay Hooks Ideas. Collecting formative assessment data during whole-group instruction also can … Think of a rocket launch analogy – in order to reach the moon, an effective and impressive takeoff is critical. Some 14 years later, the juniors and seniors that I teach ALL remember Mr. Samudosky’s cell lesson years later because of his creative Do Now idea and amazing implementation. In the "Long Live the Arts" chapter of his book, Teach Like A Pirate, Dave Burgess discusses using the arts as powerful hooks to engage students and transform our lessons. "The geology we talked about was earth and rocks.". Really emphasizing, like, the very first thing you do when you show up is look at the card and look at the directions. Start lessons with introductory hooks. Below is another example of how I use the RAFT as a Do Now to check if students get it. Provide Choice. This could be anything that piques interest, establishes relevance, or inspires curiosity in the subject of the lesson, for example: a personal anecdote connected to the subject; a brain teaser or challenge question ; a historical example; a multimedia source. Hillary: Was linked to the terminology of a geologic timeline, and literally, the purpose was to take units of time that they are familiar with, Student: "Milliseconds, seconds, minutes, decades". This can create major challenges for teachers as they aim to actively engage all students, including students with learning disabilities. 1. To start my unit on the 1920s, I have this double Do Now on my PowerPoint slides to hook my students and introduce new content. There are 6 marks up for grabs in NAPLAN for demonstrating the capacity to, ‘orient, engage and persuade the reader’ (Audience). 5 Teaching Strategies to Engage Students Effectively. That three- to five-minute portion of the lesson that focuses students on the topic might just be one of the most important parts of the lesson. Dec 11, 2017 10:02pm, Morgan Cuthbert You can have students write down their answers or submit them using electronic resources (see below for ideas). The very best “hook” I ever saw in my 18-year educational career came in 2005 at Har-Bur middle school, the location of my first job as a seventh-grade geography teacher. Anchor charts: On a Padlet shelf, content can … " The students chuckle over the corny melody and antiquated animation of Eisenhower's 1952 "spot" -- the first television campaign ad ever to appear in America. There was one looking at fossils in rocks, so actually the connection that, as a geologist, you can study what past life looked like, and you can identify what past environments looked like, in rocks. Click Here to learn more. Plant and Animal Cells Lesson Plan- Students will be able to effectively engage in the lab by using their scientific reasoning skills to create different analogies about different cell parts. Ausubel (1978), recognizes that the activation of prior knowledge helps to deepen learning by bridging between what was known and new material. "TV shows and … There was one looking at geologic maps of California, specifically. I’ve based these on my own experiences as a late elementary school teacher. Remember this – your Do Now can be ANYTHING that creatively starts the class and engages your students. Principles in the Selection and Use of Teaching Strategies . How are you gonna get them excited and engaged about what's about to come? You can have students write down their answers or submit them using electronic resources (see below for ideas). A hook is a short instructional activity used at the beginning of the lesson to capture students’ attention and to build interest and motivation for learning. Start your essay with a quote from books you review, and it will establish your authority as a writer. Find out what your students already know or think about a topic with a question. By far, my most popular blog post is my 5 Tips for Engaging Students in the First Five Minutes of a Lesson.It has been viewed over 200,000 times since I posted it. Hillary: One of the hook stations they were doing, Students: "Nine years ago". My students love to move around and get out of their seats so I ALWAYS have them ready to raise their hand to participate. Familiarise students with these persuasive devices using examples from other persuasive texts and give them plenty of opportunities to use them in their own writing. Engage learners from the moment they walk in the door. Aug 24, 2013 2:56pm, Kim Johnson This is the perfect example of a lesson where, like, they are doing the discovering. Keep them questioning...embrace it! The Hook is an attention-getting device that you use to help students engage in the lecture from the outset. A lesson hook is an opportunity to inject energy into a new learning journey and to create an eagerness to find out more. When faced with this scenario, start your next class by checking to see what your students learned (or did not learn). Congruent Shapes. However, the most effective and connected educators purposely plan a creative, engaging “hook” that grabs the students' attention, and sets the tone for the rest of class. Paired Text Analysis. Why not think about our lessons in the same way– start with something fun and engaging that hooks your learners right from the start. Share your screen I’m going to start out with one of the basics. The importance of using essay hook cannot be denied as it gives a new aspect to the essay by raising the reader’s interest. It is important for educators to develop teaching strategies that keep students engaged. Besides initial engagement, the most common way I use my Do Now is to check for student understanding and learning growth. Therefore, every student should pay attention to writing an engaging and really grabbing hook sentence. This is all in addition to the skills they will learn in the process of creating the short films: planning, teamwork, critical thinking, reflective writing – … Use your existing word list, or (if students do not have a current word list) use previous vocabulary lists to review. Notice the logistics involved: Timing, To-Do-&-Notice, Questions, Rotate Then I ask the class, “who remembers this dangerous type of aircraft from when you studied Japanese history with Mr. Olander?” Usually half of the class will remember. Have your students generate ideas collaboratively … The idea of film-making as a hook has a double benefit: students engage with their chosen science topic while making their film; and watching films – especially those made by their peers – helps to interest other students in the topic. Teachers can start with using a “go” and “stop” sign to represent steady beat. ", Hillary: "We're going into the past. 9. A lesson hook is an introduction or opening into a lesson that grabs the students’ attention. As they learned two years earlier, the kamikaze is symbolic of how desperate the Japanese were in 1945 to stop the American island-hopping offensive, and, eventually, another example of why the U.S. decided to use the atomic bomb to end World War II in the Pacific. From the first day of school to the last, my students are trained to make it a habit to immediately open their notebooks and write their Do Now assignment for the day. Being really clear about the expectations for volume is important. I like to use the term “hook” because that is what these activities do – they “hook” students and actively draw them into learning. Um, but they are the ones making those discoveries, and having those experiences. It’s an activity students have at very beginning of class that helps set tone for that lesson. Here is a visual example: After projecting the above image, students know to begin discussions. May 1, 2014 - ClassXP is designed to motivate and engage students by using gaming tactics to hook their players. As they quickly and quietly write down the term and definition (if they remember), I take attendance. When students actively engage or participate to pursue knowledge, they are actually preparing for themselves a better life ahead - Tom Dewing, Ho Ho Kus Associate and consultant for Silver Strong . 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