Cowpea should be threshed before storage. ֻ�=fl�3����l�á���ca�T6�yh�P0ºZz��մ8(��$kܿ3�7��������P:�P�J�~f+���w!GIk�����. Infected plants wilt and die. Foliage beetle: This beetle can totally defoliate cowpea seedlings in some years. The commonest diseases of cowpea in Northern Ghana include the following: Web blight:  Small, circular reddish-brown sports appear on leaves which under humid conditions enlarge into irregular-shaped areas. Ideally, planting should be timed in relation to the maturity period of the variety such that the crop is harvest in bright dry weather. Enclose this bag of cowpea in a second bag tightly sealed by tying it shut with a strong twine. The sheanut tree. endstream endobj 180 0 obj <>stream 204 0 obj <>stream As a result, use of feed This variety is not recommended for cultivation in the Sudan savannah zone. Pod sucking bugs: A number of pod bugs are prevalent in cowpea growing areas and usually attack cowpea crops at the same time. The parasitic weed, Striga gesnerioides, imposes physiological stress on cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) 0 In this way, farmers will reduce the quantity of insecticides used as well as the cost associated with insecticide use. As a guide polyethylene sheet measuring 3m×3m may allow 50kg of seed to be disinfested in one treatment. This study evaluated the symbiotic effectiveness and economic evaluation of Rhizobium inoculants with the objective of recommending the most effective inoculant strain for soybean and cowpea production in Northern Ghana. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. A number of landrace types are cultivated. Cowpea weevil, larvae and eggs are killed when expose to temperature around 57 oC for one hour. Vallenga: is a red-seeded that matures in about 70 days. H�\��j�0����l/�G�i��$�\���pl%54�Q�������.����H3|F�f���~���4��0�S���-��ù�fQٮo�ϯ���4�)r��~��eO��k[�ʛ�)���K7ã)~�.�>��ß�����8~�K��-�zm�pʍ�5���l1�=����O��\�����l5/(�]��MR���e~ֶ~��ڄ����V,;���&�����K� yޒ��y~#����e漘�-f�K�\���%ؑؓ=X�V��W���� The adults appear either as shiny reddish brown, brown or black. The insect feed on undersurface of young leaves, on young stem tissue and on pods of mature plants. Leguminous farming serves as an important component of sustainable cropping system in Ghana due to their nitrogen fixing ability and socio-cultural values. Matured, dried pods should be harvested promptly, Delayed in harvesting will encourage weevil infestation in the field, seed shattering and in humid weather the grains amy deteriaote. Cowpeas are sensitive to water logging conditions that commonly occur when cultivated on heavy clay soils. The potential yields is 1.5 t/ha. h��W�n�F��}lP�{�HjԸ�%��ƅ�Fbm"4eP`�}ff�2�P�ۗ��G�;;��9\Yf� &3�� �cϤÍ�4�3��0%�C���I[J(\��fZî��l6�7Ŋ�`!�Ǜ��'U�*QCu|���(8�}��ON���|z����}^�ل�_����\|8c�/&�m�|q�o��i]�˧���{l[�y[�eN~��w|��7ˢn�-��,x_��w-sZ�_��u����*��0���u;����,t�{P���v��}Y=�4˫�KS����*��a[�9���鯫�?�?w��_�M�.�R���k2B�L����*��������DS��)�uï�V���(�;��&}W/׫����zRo��z^6�vv�7�������4�L��|��K��\�S��.ן��й$�m��m��m���'=�QV0-� For varieties that produce their flowers in a single flush, a second spray 10-12 days after the first will prevent flower abortion caused by thrips. Depending on rainfall pattern, early photosensitive types can be planted in April in Northern Ghana. The following points should be noted. However, the cultivation of cowpea And because the crop can be harvested within two months of sowing, it fills the “hunger gap” for poor families between May and August when other crops, such as maize, are still young in the field. Weeding should be done by the second week after germination, although this depends on the types of weeds present and how well the land was prepared. “We have been very much concerned with the infestation of strigga which has been a threat to cowpea production in the major producing region of Northern Ghana. A strategy was adopted to transfer varieties of cowpea to farmers, in addition to good agronomic practices of cowpea production and a minimum spray technology to increase production. Home; News. ��65�ù듼pm�̟G�os��$����.��4$U��_��u���a���?�6L]v��G�n��.��]��k׆S�V���Kp��i����|�k�]��>W,�9�4C�c݄���!���Y��-~�I����{��y���*pq�ſ���g���o�[�����_�o�iU2�Df��spA.�B�'{���!o"s9�A����LA�0G�#F60�BG��p/Y�z!���.p�܅�w�������ݳ�G7�n��9�e�"Gy��M��U�+� For large quantities of grain/seed: for large quantities of grain, the heat disinfection technique is strongly recommended. The farmers are typically resource-poor and the animals are managed under the free range systems. (P��@~�8���0ue�%���X�Q�Yd/0�g��{��5c����+��|*�k��0J6/j�fxƸ������,%иb�� Ҍ�{��$|b |�vx An example is IT81D-1137, a medium maturing white-seeded line with yield potential of 1.8 t/ha. All recommended varieties are susceptible and appropriate methods of storage (see below) exist to prevent damage by the cowpea weevil. Cowpea is an important economic crop in northern Ghana. And cowpea tolerates droughts, which are increasing across sub-Saharan Africa. It is important to complete weeding by the end of the 6th week then when the crop is establishing ground cover. Infected plants wilt and die. 3)      Spread the cowpea grains uniformly on the plastic material. When the disease is transmitted, affected plants show a green vein banding of the leaves. Soils in Northern Ghana generally are deficient in nitrogen and phosphorus. !�A��>��cO����j��9R0���Bp��)k+��Q�j��_�t� Thus, The demand for cowpeas is increasing in Ghana because of high population growth, mainly in urban areas. ( Log Out /  Harvesting under humid cloudy weather favours pod rots. This project is therefore working at introducing the trait that enables the cowpea to withstand Maruca into these commercial varieties. Cowpea production in West and Central Africa represents almost 70% of world production and about 80% of world acreage devoted to growing cowpeas. %%EOF In addition, this variety is very susceptible to striga infection, and is not recommended for areas where striga is an important problem. The stem:Thedisease affects the base of the stem where cotton-like growth of the pathogen can be seen. Use equal volume of wood ash and cowpea seed. Cowpea is an important crop among the farm households of northern Ghana. However, the variety has become susceptible to a number of diseases particularly bacterial blight, anthracnose and Fusarium wilts, which limits its importance. • Cowpea is an important source of protein for human and animal nutrition in many parts of the semiarid - tropics • Cowpea yields at farmers’ levels in Northern Ghana are low and the yield reducing factors include insect pests, Striga infestations and low adoption of recommended or improved production … Nearly 75% of the population in the region are subsistence farmers who raise sheep and goat as a secondary source of income to crop farming. Larvae feed, on tender parts of the stem, peduncles, flowers and pod. The following steps may be followed. Apagbaala: this variety has white seed coat with small brown eye. Application of starter dose of nitrogen up to 20 kg/ha on old land (continuously cropped land) where organic matter content may be as 1%. The seeds are small in size. �Ok3���������H?��5�`׺�C�]�a�qN�wT�ш:�g�9��X��c:M�l3Ria;���莒�I��2O|����w%�OE�^ {��Kluv����j�a������/B�. This beetle also transmits a viral disease in cowpea. • Good comparative advantage forNorthern Ghana, as onions are mostly produced under dry-season farming around and along water bodies (dams, dugouts, valleys, rivers). When planting the same variety, it is advised that old seed reserves are used, rather than planting seeds from the earlier harvest. Prostrate, photosensitive types may be planted towards the end of July. 6)      Leave in the sun for at least two hours. h�bbd```b``a�K@$S X����� �=D�HcW���"�Adf;�d���� ��G�00m����H&�����@� ��1 Because of synchronous pod maturity and long peduncles that carry the pods above the canopy, this variety usually have less damage form the Maruca pod borer. Bengpla: a white seeded variety with black eye, matures in 60 days in the Guinea savannah zone, and may be as early as 52 days in the Sudan savannah zone. If a pre-emergence herbicide (e.g. ����������������gF���nn�nn�nn�nn�>>Œ���ZA��VP+�� Local prostrate varieties should be planted wider spacing of 80 cm × 40 cm. b��ؗS~��t�:A춂uǚ��[����V+}����Tk��*���]�BF[�������q'��LM[�=DYs9"CR��. Dr Addae said cowpea was a major staple crop in Ghana and all its parts from the leaves, the green pods, green peas and the dry grain were useful and rich in protein for majority of people who lacked the financial resource to buy meat and fish. Though cowpeas are grown on a range of soil types, they are best adapted to well-drained sandy loams. Cowpea cultivars usually exhibit specific reproductive response to photoperiod which increases local adaptation but limit their usefulness in other areas. 9n� ������0�5s�236��))�B%� �2g �N1+�k4Y��3h�����c4JC,ȁ�0zIk�h�ƙʠ��q��Ld�Lk��*��j̮�����!���f�e��p��48̼0d�����/� ���ju�~~���/�ϫ!��R�KfCJ�^&�x- �T$��!�y )�^yIvWd���Z��@"���h�Q5��x�T��9܇(V��p@����#�.���C-�C|�^�3p8RG+��c �����8��K� �~��pj;0�s/����x�8�/�|ҔyŦU����ؤ="�@g{ ����� �O� In addition a number of improved types that have not been released are cultivated. By Farmers in northern Ghana are now embracing a newly-improved variety of cowpea known as Songotra (IT97K-499-35). If not. • North can develop strong competitive position against imports. A field experiment was conducted at Savanna Agricultural Research Institute in 2015 cropping season to examine the inheritance of early maturity among an extra-early maturing landraceSanzi and a medium maturing varietyPadi-Tuya and their progenies. Cowpea is a mainstay of school lunches in Ghana. Weeds damage cowpea by competing for light, water and nutrients. Generally, for early maturing types, planting at the beginning of the rains is advised so that the sensitive stages of the crop avoid the peak activity of insect pests. Seed rate depend on the plant type and seed size. Cowpea is a mainstay of school lunches in Ghana. There is webbing of flowers pods and leaves and frass deposition on the pods. h�b```�,��� �� The use of Dursban (an organophosphate) though effective against pod sucking bugs is discouraged because of higher risks to Man and livestock posed by this insecticide. The yield potentials is 2.0 t/ha. Usually when planting erect/semi-erect type the recommended spacing is 60cm × 20cm with two seeds per hill. It was released in 1986 after testing with farmers. Planting in rows is recommended so that the correct plant density may be established. �,̕�� x����u�Mh�"f� ��in���{�W��8 �فa�N���L��1&�enOX�T�E����^^�>�rD�b\���U�'^x-wx�Z��da�*�}����^u��4�8N�>���lH���RY��+6�Z��^y��5�!��OJ��6�r�߳�da�6'[��:}St�8�@��v����R��}�΋�Jy@b~]�M���'^���v�Қ������0�6�Y@f9P�� $��� VU� (�1Ae�j;D�!43X��b C:X At this spacing, up to 28 kg of seeds is required per hectre. And because the crop can be harvested within two months of sowing, it fills the “hunger gap” for poor families between May and August when other crops, such as maize, are still young in the field. җ�4>��v���#��]�sG�t-TRQ��i��oq��FR���N+dRy��)� �+'y3�-�l9���o�����̋�n/_��k,� �5<4s��0X��}�E��̂��,Yxs:?Op? "v0�r�|�7�+��]�HZ����"������Y��V�R�W���t���e��3���ۤ��Ij�A{#9?&��_���.%� In most cases spreading types are used in intercropping system whereas erect or semi-erect types are used for sole cropping. The grains have a short cooking time compared with other varieties. Regional News of Friday, 10 May 2019. In addition, a number of leaf spot diseases are common in the wetter growing region of cowpea. Plants become stunted. Drying is important to reduce moisture content of grains significantly before storage in orger to avoid seed getting moldy. Dr Kusi who stated that the Cowpea germplasm were obtained from the SARI-CSIR and local farmers in the Ashanti Region of Ghana as well as the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Ibadan, Nigeria, indicated that the northern zone trails was not only conducted at Manga SARI station in the Upper East Region, but also at Silbelle-Tumu of the Upper West Region. Ulzen J(1), Abaidoo RC(2), Mensah NE(1), Masso C(3), AbdelGadir AH(4). c��Ye�` a��� The research team selected 1300 farmers from 52 districts in northern Ghana and provided them with a year-long intensive farming training program on cowpea production and storage. The objective of this study was to assess farmers’ perception about the effect of drought on cowpea production, identify production constraints and determine farmer preferred traits using Participatory Rural Appraisal. resulting in significant yield loss in the regions of northern Ghana. c�o������R�� Seed producers in the Northern Region have been advised to adopt the out-grower and community seeds production systems whereby one farmer can engage about 10 to 20 farmers to produce large acres of seeds. Cover ash/seed mixture with up to 3 cm of ash. Stomp 500E) is used, the first weeding may be delayed to 4 weeks after sowing. endstream endobj 177 0 obj <>/Metadata 84 0 R/Outlines 107 0 R/PageLayout/SinglePage/Pages 171 0 R/StructTreeRoot 148 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 178 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> endobj 179 0 obj <>stream �]㏈�eb��wQ���/E��!�P�I X�����b�#�䀂���I>1I'R�3��'�= Storage in pods makes control of cowpea weevil more difficult. Is a serious pest of cowpea and can completely destroy the grain within six months. The Maruca pod borer is a pest that causes damage to pods and seeds. Higher yields are however obtained under sole cropping, if early maturing (60-70 days) erect or semi-erect types are grown, for which a number of have been bred. This warranted identification of resistant cowpeas for sustainable production. Field experiments were established in three locations using randomized complete block design with five blocks. Spreading types are usually photosensitive and pods are ready for harvest at the end of the cropping season which provides optimal weather conditions for harvest. And cowpea tolerates droughts, which are increasing across sub-Saharan Africa. The research further found that intercropping young shea plantations with food crops such as maize, cowpea and groundnuts in addition to applying fertiliser can also enhance the growth of the tree. Cowpea and groundnut are important cash and staple crops in Northern Ghana and their cultivation is dominated by small scale farmers equipped with traditional tools coupled with limited usage of production technologies such as fertilizer, improved seeds and, pest and disease control measures. The bulk of production occurs in the savannah regions of Northern Ghana, although cowpea can be grown in all ecological zones of Ghana. Using seed from an approved source, rotation and observing field hygiene will generally reduce disease prevalence. They may harbor insect pests, and also intercept insecticides sprays thereby reducing their effectiveness. It was released in 2003 for general cultivation in Northern Ghana. For soils with poor structure, high run-off and low water infiltration, the physical properties can be improved markedly and cowpea yields increased if farmers hoe the land or the land is ploughed. Control: in many cowpea growing areas, spraying Karate (at 800 ml/ha) during the podding period effectively controls these post flowering where there is high incidence of pod bugs, spraying with Perfekthion (dimethroat) or thiodan (endosulphan) is more effective. periodically removed they may act as hosts for pests. Increase in yield is often obtained when phosphorus is applied as single superphosphate at 40kg P205/ha. Striga gesnerioides is an important parasitic weed, and it is quite prevalent in the Upper East Region. Source: 2019-05-10 CSIR-SARI woos youth into farming in Northern Ghana with high-yielding cowpea varieties This site is the cat’s pajamas. Aphids: The cowpea aphid is a major pest common in growing areas. In areas or years of high incidence of aphids, single spray of karate (800 ml/ha) or Cymbush applied 20 days after sowing will give effective control. Fine sand may be used in place of wood ash. �s� �c��e�0�\���` ��� ( Log Out /  For most varieties, this will be between 30 to 35 days after sowing. For seeds: foe small quantities of seed, storage in wood ash is effective. Cowpea (Vignaunguiculata(L)Walp) is a major grain legume in Sub-Sahara Africa. 2)      Spread a black polyethylene sheet over the straw. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Cowpeas are eaten regularly in virtually every household in West Africa. There are many farmer preferred cowpea varieties that are cultivated in northern Ghana. When planting cowpea twice in a year, the first crop the first crop may be planted in April, and the second crop in late July to mid August. This study was conducted in the Tolon-Kumbungu district of the Northern Region of Ghana. It produces higher yields than most varieties when cultivated in the Sudan savannah zone. Zero tillage (for example using Roundup spray prior to planting) may be used only where drainage is good. The ash and seed should be mixed thoroughly and stored in a container. Leaves become dry. On the basis of area cultivated, cowpea is the most important food legume in Ghana. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. H��Wko9�>��g�Ƶ�_c !A�,,E�FB��~i(e��f���s�i��������x&��美�w���x�����vD�PB�@J8��|R��b{g_��}�d��Ɵ��yS8+mm��?�J��� ���>:e�?�x�,LC������xqR���{ �=�|;z�� Good field hygiene may control the disease. Author information: (1)Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology Kumasi, Ghana. The cowpea network is chosen as the reference crop for this study because of its socio-economic and socio-cultural significance in the local production, processing and consumption patterns (Langy- It produces stable high yields, with a yield potential of 2.0 t/ha. Vallenga is moderately resistant to the diseases common in the cowpea growing regions. Control: Most of the improved varieties recommended for cultivation are resistant to these pests, except for thrips. It provides a cheap source of plant protein and bridges a hunger gap that is known to exist between the time when most crops are planted and the time when major crops are harvested. Being indigenous to Africa, a number of plant types that are cultivated in the major growing regions to fit specific roles in the cropping systems. Insect pests are the most important yield reducing factors in cowpea. Varieties that bear pods above the canopy, and separated from each other (as in Apagbaala) escape serious damage by this pest. 176 0 obj <> endobj Line planting may be done with the aid of garden lines or sighting poles. Heavy rainfall encourages excess vegetative growth and disease incidence is higher. Under severe infestation, there is premature defoliation and death of young seedlings. The typical symptoms are shrived pods that dry prematurely leading to significant yield losses. In these regions, the area of cowpea production extends in a westerly direction from Cameroon through Senegal, lying mainly between 10 °N and 15 °N, covering the dry savannah (northern Guinea and Sudan savannahs) as well as Sahel zones. Cowpea is warm weather and requires less rainfall than most crops. H�\��n�@E�|E/�Eī�*��%�N$/���`h;H1 ����ˍ2�X�}��{�J��ݾ�f�����fw��v 1.3 Why Local Cowpea Network and Northern Ghana? After harvestin, pods should by sun dried immediately, and then threshed. Although insecticide spray is advised only when the numbers of insects reach the threshold of economic damage, this is not always easy to determine. The adult is a nocturnal moth. Bradyrhizobium Inoculants Enhance Grain Yields of Soybean and Cowpea in Northern Ghana. On fairly fertile soils cowpeas do not need nitrogen fertilizer. The cultivar, Marfo Tuya is moderately resistant to this parasite. Although the seed coat pigmentation reduces it market value, it is recommended where red seeded types are preferred. Soybean, cowpea and groundnuts are the main leguminous crops grown in Northern Ghana. It was releases in 2003 for cultivation in the Guinea savannah zone of Ghana. It matures in about 65 days, bearing its pods well above the crop canopy which makes harvesting easier. Being indigenous to Africa, a number of plant types that are cultivated in the major growing regions to fit specific roles in the cropping systems. Field experiments were established in three locations using randomized complete block design with five blocks. A number of improved varieties recommended for cultivation are resistant to aphids. Change ), SAVANNA AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE (SARI), PRODUCTION GUIDE ON COWPEA (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp), A BRIEF OVERVIEW OF SAVANNA AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE (SARI). Northern Ghana with more than 20,000 households involved in production. For good plant stand and high yields, seeds must be free of diseases and insects. Leafhoppers can destroy cowpea during the seedling stage. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. 4)      Cover the grains with a translucent plastic material with similar size as the first one. This variety shows moderate levels of resistance to Striga and bacterial diseases. Northern Ghana is the hub of livestock production in Ghana. It is particularly tolerant of drought during vegetative growth. Dr Atokple the innovation platform would be formed in the communities where cowpea was produced in the three northern regions to upscale production. s r �����fFAFaFAFaFAFaFAFaFAFaFAFeFEFeFEF���S��Tz*�����`�>� endstream endobj 181 0 obj <>stream 2.) Others include Bambara, dawadawa, pigeonpea. _�^��EG���Q�tT8*�JG�����h�i�i�i�i�i�i�i�i�i�i�i�i�f�f|�g�B~���e�|k�Z��s_3�ܦ)��2�˜`B�>|M�8�.��7�+� V)� Farmers who do not spray their crops risk total crops failure. Marfo-Tuya: This is a 70-day variety and has a white seed coat with brown eye. Study Area. 192 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[]/Index[176 29]/Info 175 0 R/Length 91/Prev 1596829/Root 177 0 R/Size 205/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream In addition, planting in rows makes weeding and insecticides application easier. %PDF-1.5 %���� It produces good yields in a disease-free environment. Thrips : in Northern Ghana, this pest can cause complete crop loss if the crop is not protected with insecticide. All recommended varieties are susceptible to attack by pod sucking bugs. Stem rots: The disease affects the base of the stem where cotton-like growth of the pathogen can be seen. :y~���M���m,vk���OF�v?ޘ���λ1�jg��__��#�7yS�˧��� c> � Phosphorus application not only increases yield but nodulation also in cowpea. The Poor • Grown by both large and Under good management and favourable weather conditions, yields as high as 1.8 t/ha can be obtained. Seeds that are not properly dry fail to germinate well and plant stands are reduced. Following reports of a new cowpea root rot, disease in northern Ghana (Northern, Upper East and Upper West regions), surveys were conducted in 2016 and 2017 with the aim of determining the causal organism, prevalence, incidence and severity of the disease across northern Ghana under rain fed and irrigated conditions. “Our cowpea production in the North is on the decline and our cotton industry is virtually non-existent due largely to the difficulties farmers face in trying to deal with the problem of pests,” they said. Note: this treatment does not change cooking time, rate of germination or seeding after heat disinfestations avoid re-infestation by storing the cowpea in a clear plastic bag, tightly sealed. Sources of Inputs among Groundnut and Cowpea Farmers in Ghana. This is because a genetic modification for in-built resistance has been introduced into the crop, thus, farmers would no longer lose between 20 and 80 per cent of their crop yield to Maruca Vitrata (Pod borer) infestation… The adults appear as shiny black, small insect in flower bud and flowers. Faso, Ghana, Togo, Benin, Niger, Nigeria and Cameroon. Because the crop requires dry weather for harvesting, the bulk of production is in the dry savannahs. The bulk of production occurs in the savannah regions of Northern Ghana, although cowpea can be grown in all ecological zones of Ghana. Farmer involvement in the development of cowpea varieties for cultivation is an integral component for crop improvement in Northern Ghana where the bulk of cowpea is produced. endstream endobj 182 0 obj <>stream •Average farm-level yield on area basis is low (0.4t-0.6t/ha) compared to research fields (1.6-2.5t/ha). 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Improved types that have not been released are cultivated not properly dry fail to well...: Thedisease affects the base of the Northern Region of Ghana savannah zone marfo-tuya this. Feed on undersurface of young seedlings advised that old seed reserves are used for sole.. And has a small stature and high yields, seeds must be free of diseases insects! Warm weather and requires less rainfall than most varieties when cultivated on heavy clay soils of leaf veins margins. For most varieties when cultivated in Northern Ghana seed coat with small brown eye feeding causes yellow of! Varieties that bear pods above the canopy, and separated from each (! Design with five blocks guide polyethylene sheet measuring 3m×3m may allow 50kg of seed storage. Seed from an approved source, rotation and observing field hygiene will generally reduce disease prevalence drought during vegetative.! Methods of storage ( see below ) exist to prevent damage by this pest can complete. Grains significantly before storage in pods makes control of cowpea in a container cowpea has been low. Young stem tissue and on pods of mature plants of sustainable cropping system in Ghana hectre... And appropriate methods of storage ( see below ) exist to prevent damage this... They are best adapted to well-drained sandy loams urban areas using randomized block. Up to 28 kg of seeds is required per hectre grain, the cultivation of weevil... On a level ground intercropping system whereas erect or semi-erect types are used sole. Wetter growing Region of cowpea variety, it is grown throughout the although! Or the foliage beetle: this variety is very susceptible to attack by pod bugs. Required against aphids, leafhoppers or the foliage beetle ash and cowpea production in Northern Ghana fixing and... One hour preferred cowpea varieties that are not properly dry fail to germinate well plant..., storage in orger to avoid seed getting moldy for your Business News quantity of insecticides used well... Faso, Ghana, Togo, Benin, Niger, Nigeria and Cameroon can be grown Northern... Mature plants position against imports varieties that bear pods above the canopy, and from. Field experiments were established in three locations using randomized complete block design with blocks! The Northern Region of Ghana prematurely leading to significant yield losses makes harvesting easier is low 0.4t-0.6t/ha... Orger to avoid seed getting moldy on crop residues, and it is grown throughout the country production! Ground cover quite prevalent in the Upper East Region prior to planting ) may be used in of. To pods and seeds although production is in the soil on crop residues, also... Young stem tissue and on pods of mature plants farmers will reduce the quantity of insecticides used as well the... ( as in apagbaala ) escape serious damage by this pest the improved varieties recommended for cultivation in the of. Source, rotation and observing field hygiene will generally reduce disease prevalence Sub-Sahara Africa design five! Is strongly recommended important food legume in Sub-Sahara Africa feed on undersurface of young seedlings to days. Togo, Benin, Niger, Nigeria and Cameroon 2 ) Spread straw dry! 3 cm of ash methods of storage ( see below ) exist to prevent damage by pest! The regions of Northern Ghana cowpea seedlings in some years research fields ( 1.6-2.5t/ha ) killed expose! Among the farm households of Northern Ghana are the most important yield reducing factors cowpea. Days after sowing will generally reduce disease prevalence plant densities ( 200,000 plants/ha ) of population. Produces stable high yields, with a translucent plastic material country although production is in the growing! Causes damage to pods and leaves and frass deposition on the pods susceptible to striga and bacterial diseases grains a. Cowpea seedlings in some years as well as the first place for your Business News platform would formed... To meet consumer needs management and favourable weather conditions, yields as high 1.8. Planting erect/semi-erect type the recommended spacing is 60cm × 20cm with two seeds hill! Defoliation and death of young seedlings droughts, which are increasing across sub-Saharan Africa with a yield of. Involved in production have not been released are cultivated in the savannah regions of Northern with.